Nokia WAP Toolkit (10.8MB)

The Nokia WAP Toolkit is supplied free of charge but you have to register first.
The toolkit offers a PC based environment for creating WAP applications. It includes tools for creating WML and WMLScript content, debugging WAP applications and simulating the WAP content on WAP enabled devices. 

  Ericssons WapIDE SDK (5.49MB)

The WapIDE SDK from Ericsson is an Development Environment for WAP Services.
It consists of a WAP Browser, Application Designer and a Server Toolset. this SDK supports WML 1.1 and WML Script 1.1
You'll have to login (if necessary first select join developers zone). Then select Technology, WAP and Developers Tools.

  JAWAP: Ericsson Java Application  Framework
JAWAP contains a framework of Java code for designing dynamic WAP Applications as Java servlets.
You can use JAWAP for WAP applications in a Java server environment. It supports distribution of application logic using Java RMI.
You'll have to login (if necessary first select join developers zone). Then select Technology, WAP and Developers Tools. 
  Phone.com WAP SDK
The Software Developer Kit by Phone.com is available free of charge. You'll have to register first at the developer site of Phone.com.  Download
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