Can you recommend any good WAP service providers?

We will be building a list of WAP service providers in this FAQ. If you are a WAP service provider, or know of one, please feel free to mail me and tell me about your service. Note, both free and commercial providers/developers are welcome to join the list.
You'll notice there are two lists. The first list contains providers that offer some sort of free WAP hosting service. The level of their services vary a lot - it is after all free.

Provider name Type of services Location
Tag Tag Free WAP site hosting and online Java based WAP site editor USA
wapHQ Free and Independent Mobile Internet Access Knutford, UK
WAP Service Free WAP publication service Sweden
Wappy Free WAP site hosting and redirection service Netherland
SoWAP Free WAP site hosting. In french. France
Freedom2Surf Really a free HTML service provider, but they support PHP3 which makes it ideal for WAP content providing England
Anytimenow.com Free provider that offers 20MB space, online editing and storage of .wml and .wmls files. It also allows e-mail access via WAP, including Hotmail. England
Hoiley.com Free provider with offline WAP builder - WMLedit (still in "beta" version) Germany
Waphome.ch Free provider, in German. Includes online WAP based translator service. Switzerland
WapSpy Free provider, file upload, image libraries Unknown
WapMine Free provider, off-line WYSIWYG editor (WAPpage) for Windows USA
WapDrive Free provider (still in "beta" version) Unknown
WAP Homes Free provider (in German) Germany
AddCom Free provider (in German) Germany
WapMatic Free provider (in English and German) Germany
DeZines Webhosting Almost free provider with some support for WAP environments, including PHP. International
Done Free provider (in Turkish and English). Includes services like Dictionary, Portal and Mobile Entertainment Turkey
Start.no Excellent free WAP site "hotel", plus lots of other services. In norwegian. Norway

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