Is there a list of some great WAP applications?
Below you will find a list of some good WAP applications. These are not necessarily very useful or very high tech, but they are good examples on what WAP can provide compared to normal web applications. If you know of any such applications that would fit this list, please feel free to mail me, and I will most likely include it on the list.
Note that these services are most likely purely WML based, and clicking on the links below from your normal HTML browser will not give you the desired result. If someone could invent a way of sending URLs via SMS, I'd be happy to implement such a service here :)
Application name Application type Location
Translate! Translates from and to English http://www.zenith.ie/wap/translate
WAP CAM Online WAP camera with live images :-) http://allnetdevices.com/faq/demos.php3 (Choose WAP CAM from the menu)
Domain Checker Checks availability of .com, .net and .nl domains http://kronkel.com/domain.wml
Demo Guestbook Yeav Ming YiN's Demo Guestbook http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/s2231995/GB/GuestBook.wml
Polish Airport Information Polish Airport Information (In polish) http://www.polish-airports.com/wap/main.wml
SETI@Home Rank List Displays your SETI@Home rank by Kuba Urbaniak http://seti.matrix.pl/setiatwap/
Domain Check/Registration Check and register .com, .net and .org domains http://wap.tldnames.com/
PDFmail Secure WAP e-mail with nice features. http://www.sanface.com/wap/pdfmail.wml
WAPpop Excellent GPL POP client for WAP devices http://www.sanisoft.com/wappop/