Is there a list of available WAP phones and WAP devices on the market?
Note that this list is currently somewhat incomplete, and some of the information may be totally incorrect. If you know of a WAP phone or WAP device that is not in this list, please let me know. The list is in no perticular order. Phones are GSM unless otherwise stated. Phone.com also has an excellent list of released (and unreleased) devices with their browsers here. To see Phone.com's list, you must register (which you should do anyway if you're a developer).
Most of the information below comes directly from the manufacturer.
Alcatel One Touch View db WAP Phone
Alcatel One Touch 30x Series Phone Expected September 2000
Alcatel One Touch 50x Series Phone Expected October 2000
Alcatel One Touch 70x Series Phone Expected November 2000
Alcatel Onetouch View Phone
Siemens S35i Phone
Siemens M35i Phone
Siemens C35i Phone
Siemens S25 Phone HDML only (Not WML)
Sony CMD-Z5 Phone WML and HTML. Uses MME
Nokia 7110 Phone
Nokia 6210 Phone
Nokia 6250 Phone Not yet released on the market
Nokia 6185 Phone With SprintPCS upgrade. US only.
Motorola Leap P7389 Phone
Motorola Timeport Phone
Motorola Talkabout Phone
Motorola i1000plus Phone iDEN only
Motorola i500plus Phone iDEN only
Ericsson MC218 Palmtop
Ericsson R380 Phone
Ericsson R320 Phone
3Com Palm Pilot Palmtop Needs browser software
Neopoint 1000 Phone
Neopoint 1600 Phone
Sagem MC850 Phone Not released on the market
Samsung Duette SH-P10 Phone CDPD only
Samsung SGH-800 Phone Not yet released on the market
Mitsubishi T250 Phone CPDP only
Compaq Aero PDA (With WindowsCE WAP1.1 microbrowser
Qualcomm QCP-860 Phone CDMA only
Qualcomm QCP-1960 Phone CDMA only
Qualcomm QCP-2700 Phone CDMA only
Qualcomm QCP-2760 Phone CDMA only