Is it possible to change the font displayed in a browser?

Really the answer is no in most cases. Many browsers support tags that will in some way change the font making it bold, italic etc, but the typeface itself can probably not be changed. I have yet to see a browser that can, and there is no tag in WML specifically for this.
Morpheme does however have a nice online snippet called Dwbmp that will let you write text into a WBMP image. Use of the tool is free of charge for non-commerical users. Currently the tool supports six different types of fonts.
Note that for a few browsers that does not support images as anchors (Nokia 7110 for instance), you obviously cannot have these special font WBMPs clickable.
For those of you who have access to the PHP script language or another script language that has GD support, WBMPs with TrueType fonts and even Postscript fonts can actually be generated on-the-fly.