Schedule : |
In this
section user can find out the flight services between two cities. User can get the details
of flight number, flight timing, flight available days, business and economy fare of each
flight. |
Schedule : |
In this
section user can find out the train services between two
cities. User can get the details of train number, train timing, train available day,
first and second class fare of each train. |
details : |
In this
section user can get details of hotels available in each city according to his budget.
User can get details of hotel available by just giving city name and his budget. |
availability details : |
In this
section user can get details of food available in each city according to his choice. User
can get of Restaurant available by just giving city name and his choice of food. |
on rent details : |
In this
section user can details of car available on rent in each city. User can give choice of
city and his choice of car and he will get details of travel agency who gives car on rent. |
: |
In this
section User will get details of emergency phone numbers of Police, Fire brigade and
doctor's number in any urgent need. |