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Gateway A hardware and software combination that runs on the OSI application layer and allows dissimilar protocols to communicate by filtering communications through industry-standard protocols. Examples of protocols a gateway might use are TCP/IP, X.25, and SNA.
GFP Global Functional Plane
Globalstar Second major LEO based global communications system. Initially for voice, it was launched in late 1999.
GMSCA Gateway MSC Address
GOS Grade of Service
GPRS General Packet Radio Service allows packet rather than circuit switch connections on cellular networks. This allows high speed mobile access and the ability to only connect to the mobile network when internet access is required.
GPS Global Positioning System. A system of 24 satellites for identifying earth locations, launched by the U.S. Department of Defense. By triangulation of signals from three of the satellites, a receiving unit can pinpoint its current location anywhere on earth to within a few meters.
GSL Global Service Logic
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications. Digital cellphone system used throughout Europe based on TDMA. Introduced SIM card and short messaging (SMS). GSM has a maximum data transfer rate of 9.6 Kbps




HDML Handheld Device Markup Language. Forerunner of WML.
HDR High Data Rate. High speed CDMA data technology from QUALCOMM for existing cdmaOne voice networks or new data networks. Provides 2.4 Mbps/384 Kbps asymmetric operation.
HIPERLAN European wireless LAN standard at 24 Mbps in the 5GHz band. Similar to Ethernet but with quality of service (QoS).
HLR Home Location Register
HomeRF Wireless personal area network (PAN) from HomeRF Working Group. Uses 2.4GHz band at 1 or 2 Mbps within 150 foot range.
HSCSD High Speed Ciruit Switched Data affords dramatically increased mobile network bandwidths.
HTML HyperText Markup Language [HTML4]
HTML 1.0 iMode compatible HTML which supports all iMode terminals
HTML 2.0 iMode compatible HTML which supports only the NTTDoCoMo 502i series terminals
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol [RFC2068]




IANA Internet Assigned Number Authority
iDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Network. Wireless system from Motorola that integrates voice, data, short messages and dispatch radio. Used by Nextel and others.
i-Mode Packet based information service for mobile phones from NTT DoCoMo (Japan). First to provide Web browsing from cellphones.
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IMT 2000 3G wireless from the ITU. International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 also known as the Third generation mobile systems
IN Intelligent Network. The public switched telephone network architecture of the 1990s, which was developed by Bellcore (now Telcordia) and the ITU. It was created to provide a variety of advanced telephony services such as 800 number translation, local number portability (LNP), call forwarding, call screening and wireless integration. While Bellcore named its version AIN (Advanced Intelligent Network) for use in North America, there are a variety of proprietary versions throughout the world based on the ITU standard.

The IN uses the SS7 signaling protocol in which voice calls (or modem data) travels through circuit-switched voice switches, while control signals travel over an SS7 packet-switched network.
INAP Intelligent Network Application Part. An IN (Intelligent Network) protocol used in a European SS7 network that is used to query databases for a variety of functions not related to call setup and tear down. INAP uses the ASN.1 standard for defining message content.
INCM Intelligent Network Conceptual Model
INDB Intelligent Network Data Base
INDBMS IN Data Base Management System
INFA Intelligent Network Functional Architecture
IP Internet Protocol. The IP part of the TCP/IP communications protocol. IP implements the network layer (layer 3) of the protocol, which contains a network address and is used to route a message to a different network or subnetwork. IP accepts "packets" from the layer 4 transport protocol (TCP or UDP), adds its own header to it and delivers a "datagram" to the layer 2 data link protocol. It may also break the packet into fragments to support the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the network.
IP address Internet Protocol address. The address of a computer attached to a TCP/IP network. Every client and server station must have a unique IP address. Client workstations have either a permanent address or one that is dynamically assigned to them each dial-up session. IP addresses are written as four sets of numbers separated by periods; for example,

The TCP/IP packet uses 32 bits to contain the IP address, which is made up of a network and host address (netid and hostid).
IrDA Infrared Data Association, Walnut Creek, CA. A membership organization founded in 1993 and dedicated to developing standards for wireless, infrared transmission systems between computers. With IrDA ports, a laptop or PDA can exchange data with a desktop computer or use a printer without a cable connection. IrDA requires line-of-sight transmission like a TV remote control. IrDA products began to appear in 1995. The LaserJet 5P was one of the first printers with a built-in IrDA port.

IrDA is comprised of the IrDA Serial IR physical layer (IrDA-SIR), which provides a half-duplex connection of up to 115.2 Kbps. This speed allows the use of a low-cost UART chip; however, higher non-UART extensions for 1.15 and 4 Mbps have also been defined. IrDA uses the Infrared Link Access Protocol (IrLAP), an adaptation of HDLC, as its data link protocol. The Infrared Link Management Protocol (IrLMP) is also used to provide a mechanism for handshaking and multiplexing of two or more different data streams simultaneously.
IrDA port A transmitter/receiver for infrared signals
Iridium First LEO based global communications system backed by Motorola. Primarily for voice, it was launched in 1998 and went into Chapter 11 in 1999.
IS-136 Second generation TDMA in 1994. Also called "Digital AMPS" or "D AMPS."
IS-54 First generation TDMA in 1991.
IS-95 First generation CDMA (cdmaONE).
ISCTX Integrated Services CenTreX
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISM band Industrial, Scientific and Medical band. Unlicensed spectrum typically in the 900MHz, 2.4GHz and 5.7GHz bands. Requires spread spectrum techniques at 1 watt.
ISPBX Integrated Services Private Branch eXchange
ISUP ISDN Signaling User Part (signaling)
ITU International Telecommunications Union
IVR Interactive Voice Response
IWU Interworking Unit



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