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Jack A socket, hole or opening mounted on a wall, switchboard or panel, into which a plug connector can be inserted to complete a connection.
Java An object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that creates applications that work on multiple operating systems.
JavaScript Programming Language used to add dynamic behavior to HTML documents.
JINI Based on Java, this is a Sun system for easily connecting any type of devices, including a Net device, to a network.




L2CAP Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol - Adapts upper layer protocols over the baseband. L2CAP is only defined for ACL links even though the Baseband Protocol is defined for ACL and SCO links.
LC Link Controller - manages the link to the other Bluetooth devices and is the low-level baseband protocol handler.
LCD Liquid crystal display, such as the screen found on an iMode cellular phone used for reading emails and accessing the Internet
LE Local Exchange
LM Link Manager - the software entity carries out link setup, link authentication, link configuration, and setup of other protocols.
LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service. Licensed spectrum above 20GHz. Range is about four miles.
LMP Link Manager Protocol - responsible for link set-up between Bluetooth devices which includes security issues and controlling power modes of the Bluetooth Radio device.
LSB Least Significant Bits



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