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PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
Packet A piece of data transmitted over a packet-switching network such as the Internet. A packet includes not just data but also its destination.
PACTS Public Access Cordless Telecommunication Service
PAN Personal Area Network
Parked Units Those devices within a piconet which are synchronized but do not have a MAC address.
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PCI Protocol Control Information
PCN Personal Communications Network
PCS Personal Communications Service. New digital cellphone systems in 2GHz range. Mostly GSM.
PDA Personal Digital Assistant. Handheld computer or personal organiser device.
PDC Personal Digital Communications. Digital cellphone system in Japan.
PDC (2) Personal Digital Cellular System Phones using the PDC, which is an international cellular system that uses both full, and half rate speech code (5.6 kbps) and allows high speed transmission at 9.6 kbps to ensure efficient spectrum utilization
PDI Protocol DIscriminator
PHS Personal Handyphone System
PIC Point In Call
Piconet A network of devices connected using Bluetooth wireless technology. A piconet may consist of two to eight devices. In a piconet, there will always be one master while the others are slaves.
PID Protocol Identifier
PIN Personal Identification Number
P-Java Personal Java. Java API and specification for running Java applications on small devices.
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network, cellular network
PM Personal Mobility
PMTS Public Mobile Telephone System
PN Personal Number
Pocket PC A handheld Windows-based computer that runs the Pocket PC operating system (formerly Windows CE). The Pocket PC operating system (Version 3.0 of Windows CE) adds a new interface along with greater stability, Pocket Office applications (Internet Explorer, Word and Excel), handwriting recognition, an e-book reader, wireless Internet and longer battery life. The Pocket PC was designed to compete more directly with the popular Palm devices.
POI Point of Interconnect
POR Point Of Return
POTS Plain Old Telephony Service
PRI PRIority
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PSTS Public Switched Telephone Service
PTNX Private Telecommunication Network eXchange
PTO Public Telecommunication Operator




QEAN Quick Entry Access Number
QoS Quality of Service




RAM network Earlier name for BellSouth Network.
RangeLAN2 Wireless LAN geared for office from Proxim.
RCT ReCeption Time
REA REcipient Address
Resource A network data object or service that can be identified by a URL.
RFC Request For Comments
Ricochet A wireless Internet service from Metricom, Inc., Los Gatos, CA. It uses appoximately 100 small "microcell" radio transceivers attached to utility poles within a 20-square mile cell. Each cell has one wired access point, which is a sp-q, frame relay connection to the Internet. Each microcell bounces digital signals from the mobile devices to other microcells and eventually to its wired access point. The transceivers in this MicroCellular Data Network (MCDN) employ 162 frequency-hopping channels in the 902-928MHz band from user to microcell. The 2.4GHz band is used in the rest of the system, and licensed spectrum in the 2.3GHz band is used for its high-speed service. Rocochet modems attach to laptops and other handhelds via the serial port.

Ricochet 1 provides 28.8 Kbps service with access primarily to stationary users, while Ricochet 2, introduced in 2000, offers 128 Kbps for the commuter in transit. First deployed in Washington, DC, Seattle and Silicon Valley, coverage in more than 40 urban areas is expected by 2002.
RL ReLay function
RP Reply Path
RPOA Regulated Private Operating Agency
RSA Rural Service Area. There are 428 RSAs and 306 MSAs in the U.S.



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