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SAPI Service Access Point Identifier
SC Service Centre
SCA Service Centre Address
Scatternet Two or more independent, non-synchronized piconets.
SCC Service Control Customization
SCE Service Creation Environment
SCEAF Service Creation Environment-Access Function
SCEF Service Creation Environment Function
SCEP Service Creation Environment Point
SCF Service Control Function
SCO Synchronous Connection-Oriented - Used for audio only or a combination of audio and data transmission.
SCP Service Control Point
SCTS Service Centre Time Stamp
SDF Service Data Function
SDK Software Development Kit
SDMA Space division multiple access A variation of TDMA and CDMA that potentially will be used in high-bandwidth, third-generation wireless products.
SDP Service Data Point
SDT Service Data Template
Server Device or application that passively waits for connection requests from one or more clients.
SF Service Feature
SGML Standardized Generalized Markup Language. This is a general purpose language for domain specific markup languages.
Short Messaging Sending small text messages to cellphones. GSM pioneered Short Message Service (SMS), now used in all digital cellphones.
SIB Service Independent building Block
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIM card Smart card that gives GSM phone its user identity. Lets phones be easily rented or borrowed.
SIO Services In Operation
SIP Session Initiation Protocol An emerging protocol that simplifies connections over the Internet for uses such as telephony and videoconferencing. Has the potential to lead to new classes of Net devices.
SL Service Logic
Slave Units Any unit within a piconet that is not the master unit.
SLCP Service Logic Control Program
SLMP Service Logic Management Program
SLP Service Logic Processing program
SLPI Service Logic Processing program Instance
SM Short Message
SMAF Service Management Agent Function
SM-AL Short Message Application Layer
Smart Phone A digital cellular phone that has text messaging, Web access and other data services along with voice.
SMC Security Management Centre
SME Short Message Entity
SMF Service Management Function
SMI Short Message Identifier
SM-MO Short Message Mobile Originated
SM-MT Short Message Mobile Terminated
SMP Service Management Point
SMR Specialized Mobile Radio. Dispatch radio for taxis, trucks and fleets. Nextel aggregated many SMR companies.
SM-RL Short Message Relay Layer
SMS Short Messaging Service. GSM coined the phrase, but similar text messaging used in most digital cellphone systems.
SMS-GMSC Short Message Service Gateway MSC
SMS-IWMSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC
SM-TL Short Message Transfer Layer
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SN Service Node
Sniff Mode This mode describes the ability of synchronized devices within a piconet to enter power-saving mode which lowers device activity.
SoR Status of Report
SQL Structured Query Language
SRF Specialized Resource Function
SRI Status Report Indication
SRR Status Report Request
SS7 Signaling System 7. The protocol used in the public switched telephone system (the "intelligent network" or "advanced intelligent network") for setting up calls and providing services. SS7 is a separate signaling network that is used in Class 4 and Class 5 voice switches.
SSCP Service Switching and Control Point
SSD Service Support Data
SSF Service Switching Function
SSP Service Switching Point
ST STatus
STD Subscriber Trunk Dialling
STI Service Trigger Information
STP Signaling Transfer Point
SWAP Shared Wireless Access Protocol. Protocol used in HomeRF.
Symphony Wireless LAN geared for the home from Proxim.




TACS Total Access Communications System. Analog cellphone system in Europe based on AMPS.
TCAP Transaction Capability Application Part
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A communications protocol developed under contract from the U.S. Department of Defense to internetwork dissimilar systems. Invented by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, this de facto UNIX standard is the protocol of the Internet and has become the global standard for communications.

TCP provides transport functions, which ensures that the total amount of bytes sent is received correctly at the other end. UDP is an alternate transport that does not guarantee delivery. It is widely used for realtime voice and video transmissions where erroneous packets are not retransmitted.

IP provides the routing mechanism. TCP/IP is a routable protocol, which means that all messages contain not only the address of the destination station, but the address of a destination network. This allows TCP/IP messages to be sent to multiple networks within an organization or around the world, hence its use in the worldwide Internet. Every client and server in a TCP/IP network requires an IP address, which is either permanently assigned or dynamically assigned at startup.
TCS Telephony Control Specification - A bit-oriented protocol which defines the call control signaling for the establishment of audio and data transmission.
TDD Time Division Duplex
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access. Air interface for digital cellphones that interleaves data in time slots and provides multiple access to a small number of wireless frequencies. It is a component of GSM.
TDP Trigger Detection Point
Teledesic Broadband LEO based global communications system expected in 2004.
Terminal Device providing the user with user agent capabilities. Also mobile terminal or mobile station.
TID Transaction Identifier
TM Terminal Mobility
TMA Terminal MoveAbility
TMN Telecommunication Management Network
Trusted device A device that has been authenticated
Two-way paging The ability to receive and send data to the Internet by way of the paging network. Also often called interactive paging.




UCS Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set
UD User Data
UDL User Data Length
UI User Interface
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. Is a new generation technology for rapidly moving data and multimedia over wireless devices.

The European implementation of the 3G wireless phone system. UMTS provides service in the 2GHz band and offers global roaming and personalized features. Designed as an evolutionary system for GSM network operators, multimedia data rates up to 2 Mbps are expected.
UPT Universal Personal Telecommunication
URI Uniform Resource Identifier. The addressing technology from which URLs are created. Technically, URLs such as HTTP:// and FTP:// are specific subsets of URIs, although the term URL is mostly heard.
URL Uniform Resource Locator [RFC2396]. The address that defines the route to a file on the Web or any other Internet facility. URLs are typed into the browser to access Web pages, and URLs are embedded within the pages themselves to provide the hypertext links to other pages.

The URL contains the protocol prefix, port number, domain name, subdirectory names and file name. Port addresses are generally defaults and are rarely specified. To access a home page on a Web site, only the protocol and domain name are required.
User Person who interacts with the user agent to view, hear, or use a resource.
User Agent Any software or device that interprets WML, WMLScript, or other resources.
UTF UCS Transformation Format
UWC-136 3G data rates for TDMA



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